The future of drug information and customAI:
ChatSmPC & ChatPIL

24/7 reliable drug information, optimised customer experience and high cost efficiency through our AI chat and customAI solutions for the pharmaceutical industry.


ChatSmPC: Your 24/7 expert advice for pharmaceuticals

SmPC stands for Summary of product characteristics. It is a document that describes the properties and the officially authorised conditions of use of a medicinal product. Summaries of product characteristics form the basis for informing healthcare professionals about the safe and effective use of the medicinal product. Our ChatSmPC has read all these documents and can therefore provide you with the knowledge very quickly & reliably.

Available around the clock

Our AI chat, which can answer questions about medication, enables faster and more efficient customer service. Users can access reliable information around the clock without having to wait for a human customer advisor.

Latest data

Our AI chat can rely on an up-to-date and trusted data source to provide accurate and complete information about medicines. Users can rely on the accuracy of the answers and do not have to search for outdated information.

User-friendly chatbot

The use of our AI chats improves the user experience. Users can ask their questions simply and directly, without complicated searches or searching through websites. This saves time and facilitates accessibility.


Our AI chats are trained with reliable and up-to-date drug information and product data sheets – so the quality and reliability of the answers is very high.

Rely on a solution from Germany

✔️ DSGVO-conform              ✔️ Your data is secure         ✔️30 years of experience with drug information       ✔️ German customer service

ChatSmPC Front End Example
chatPIL English User Interaface example

ChatPIL: never read long package leaflets again

PIL stands for Patient Information Leaflet, known in German as Packungsbeilage. The patient information leaflet is written by the pharmaceutical company and is a patient-friendly version of the summary of product characteristics (SmPC). Our ChatPIL product has read all package leaflets and can therefore access this information during the chat.

Integrate our API into your own system world and train your own models launches the global drug database that breaks down language barriers<br />

Possible fields of application

Turn your knowledge database into a customised ChatGPT chatbot, virtually with a pharmaceutical licence. You can train ChatSmPC and ChatPIL on your data and documents. Then simply set up a script or API in your own application, select your branding and you have your personalised pharma co-pilot on your homepage. By the way – the ChatBot not only has a pharmaceutical education, it also speaks every possible language.

Improve your customer service experience with an intelligent chatbot

Online Pharmacy

Reliable drug information, fast and reliable, always at your side

(Hospital) pharmacy

Improve your communication with accessible drug information for your entire organisation

Pharmaceutical company

Integrate our innovative data solutions into your own software

Pharmaceutical software houses

Simplify access to pharmaceutical knowledge & package leaflets for your customers

Pharmaceutical company & association

Another idea?

We also offer customised solutions

Ready to shape the future of the pharmaceutical industry together?

Experience the next step in pharmaceutical customer care. Our AI chat provides reliable drug information around the clock, improving the customer experience and saving costs at the same time. Benefit from instant answers, a user-friendly interface, always up-to-date data and the ability to serve multiple users simultaneously. Revolutionise information access in the pharmaceutical industry with us.

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