Verification of prescriptions and invoices

Verification of prescriptions and invoices


Price history

Images of remedies and aids

Price calculation of remedies and aids

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Our solutions for assistance offices


Indications of drugs based on ICD10, ATC and dosages


Low-priced prescription under the aspect of discount contracts, AMNOG and imports

Instruction leaflet

Instruction leaflet and technical information with official approval information

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Compare prices with Aut Idem and Generic Groups


Restrictions on prescriptions and therapeutic instructions in accordance with the Annexes to the Medicinal Products Directives

Our solutions for assistance offices


Indications of drugs based on ICD10, ATC and dosages


Low-priced prescription under the aspect of discount contracts, AMNOG and imports

Instruction leaflet

Instruction leaflet and technical information with official approval information

Compare prices

Compare prices with Aut Idem and Generic Groups


Restrictions on prescriptions and therapeutic instructions in accordance with the Annexes to the Medicinal Products Directives

We are a medical supply company / supplier of medical practice supplies and use the ABDA taxe for the pricing of health insurance companies. We are very satisfied with, because they are fast, easy to find and all products can be found through the free text search.

Alexander Weber

CEO, WFW Labor-, Arzt- und Krankenhausbedarf GmbH

We are a hospital-supplying pharmacy, supplying more than 20 hospitals and rehabilitation facilities. We have integrated into our ordering and drug information system. Our facilities make intensive use of’s information modules in the medical and nursing fields. Our 24h-emergency service pharmacists in the sterile laboratory and clinic supply and the users in the hospitals are impressed to have all relevant information such as specialist information, divisibility and probe compatibility always up-to-date in one simple place.

Dr. rer. medic. Klaus Ruberg

Kronen-Apotheke Marxen -Marxen-Ruberg OHG

I am actually using the portal several times per week to access the ABDA-Database / German SMPC Drug Dictionary, the archive with the deleted medicaments or the international SMPC medicaments. So I always stay up to date. I am very satisfied with the service of, thanks to the team!

Doktor Arvinder Singh

Technology Specialist, IPD Analytics

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