

Database Icebergsearch Search in all databases at the same time – with just one search Schedule a demo The Icebergsearch in a nutshell The Google-like pharmaceutical search engineby After entering a search term, the Icebergsearch lists a number of...
DACON pharmaceutical links

DACON pharmaceutical links

DACON pharmaceutical links Schedule a demo DACON pharmaceutical links in a nutshell The databse DACON Pharmaceutical Links contains references to further information on the Internet such as: Address of the corresponding Marketing Authorisation Holders, Link to...
DACON List Marketing Authorisation Holders

DACON List Marketing Authorisation Holders

DACON List Marketing Authorisation Holders Schedule a demo The DACON List Marketing Authorisation Holders in a nutshell The DACON List Marketing Authorisation Holders provides the following information: Contact details of Marketing Authorisation Holder in Germany:...
DACON Nutrition Information

DACON Nutrition Information

DACON Nutrition Information Schedule a demo DACON Nutrition Information in a nutshell 122 Nutrition tips for certain risk factors (e.g. high blood pressure) and suggestions for further reading It provides the following information: Short tips Diets Recipes Useful...
ABDA-Database Recent News

ABDA-Database Recent News

ABDA-Database Recent News Check out the latest news on drugs and drug safety alerts Schedule a demo The ABDA-Database Recent News in a nutshell News Released from ABDATA, AMK (the German Drug Commission), BfArM (the German Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical...
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